In our internal medicine clinic

In the light of today's scientific developments, with the help of detailed physical examination, the opportunities provided by modern medicine and new generation tests, many diseases can be detected at their earliest stages and treated before they progress. Laboratory (blood, urine, stool, etc.), radiological examinations (x-ray, ultrasonography, mammography, computed tomography, MRI, bone density, etc.), endoscopic examinations when necessary (upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, colonoscopy, etc.) and ECG, Definitive diagnosis of diseases can be made at an early stage by using all necessary examinations such as echocardiography. The internal medicine department, which is one of the most frequently visited clinics in hospitals, is of great importance as it is the clinic where many patients apply with the initial symptoms of the disease. In the internal medicine clinic, also known as internal medicine, patients are treated meticulously, paying attention to every detail, allowing possible diseases to be detected and treated by referring them to this department or the relevant medical unit before they reach more serious levels.

Upper and lower respiratory tract diseases
infectious diseases
thyroid diseases
Increase in blood fats such as cholesterol and triglycerides
Digestive system diseases such as liver, stomach and gallbladder
Lung diseases
kidney diseases
Anemia and other blood diseases
rheumatic diseases
Musculoskeletal system diseases

In which branches is this department located?

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